How to Donate
The Roseland Community Club is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization, and donations can have varied tax advantages for the donor. See a tax professional for exact benefits for your situation.
Cash Gifts: A gift of cash/check is the easiest way to contribute. Donors who make gifts of cash or check are eligible for a charitable deduction in the year the gift is made.
Deferring Grain: By transferring ownership of grain , individuals can recognize the expense while deferring the income to the Foundation.
Real Estate: Gifts of residential, commercial, or agricultural real estate are handled on an individual basis.
Personal Property: Gifts of personal property are managed on a case by case basis.
Deferred or Planned Giving: There are several different options available and are handled on an individual basis.
Bequests: Donations to the Foundation of an estate is accepted and will be managed per the legal directive of the donor.
If you are interested in donating, please contact Brenda Monroe at or 402-756-6182.